西村陽平 略歴


1947 京都市生まれ

1973 東京教育大学教育学部芸術学科卒業

1974 千葉県立千葉盲学校教諭(1998年まで)

2001 日本女子大学家政学部児童学科助教授(2006~教授、2016年まで)



2022 西村陽平「物質と記憶」GALLERY ZERO、大阪

    「西村陽平展」Contre Contre サン・モーリス/スイス

2021 「FIRED BOOKS」画廊香月/東京


2020 「西村陽平展 野の花のように」画廊香月/東京

2019 「西村陽平展」画廊香月/東京

2018 「西村陽平展 FOUR-LEAF CLOVER IN 1938」ギャルリ・プス/東京

    西村陽平「フリードリッヒ、芭蕉、二上山をつなぐもの」GALLERY ZERO、大阪

2017 「西村陽平展」ギャラリー飛鳥/東京

    西村陽平「死者の書」GALLERY ZERO、大阪

2016 「死者の書 西村陽平展」EMERGENCY/ヴェヴェ/スイス

2014 「西村陽平展」ESPACE MURAILLE/ジュネーブ

2013 「時間と記憶 西村陽平展」Cavin-Morris Gallery/New York

2012 「彫刻を聞き、土を語らせる 西村陽平展」愛知県陶磁美術館


2011 「TIME & MEMORY 西村陽平展」芸術館/香港

    西村陽平「時間と記憶GALLERY ZERO、大阪

2010 「これは本ではない」うらわ美術館

2009 「去った熱西村陽平展」Cavin-Morris Gallery/New York

1993 「西村陽平展」Keramik Galerie Bowin/ハノーバー・ドイツ

    「西村陽平の世界 伝道の書展」三菱地所アルティアム/福岡

1992 「手で見る静寂 西村陽平と子どもたち展」福岡市美術館


1987 「西村陽平展」INAXギャラリー/東京

1980 「西村陽平展」ギャラリーせいほう/東京






2022 「ジャン ポール・ブレ/西村陽平 二人展」Great Fountain Gallery シオン/スイス



    「アートラボ2021 西村陽平展」長野県立美術館

2021 「令和3年度呉市立美術館コレクション展 呉美の陶芸作品そろい踏み+α



    「Terre a terreCharmey Museum/スイス

2018 「触れる美術展2018手から始めよう」ギャラリープラザ長野/長野市、


2009 「ADVENTURE OF THE FIRE」ワールド セラミック ビエンナーレ/韓国


2006 「近代工芸の百年」東京国立近代美術館工芸館


2002 「陶磁日本陶芸の伝統と前衛」フランス国立陶磁美術館

2001 「本という美術」うらわ美術館

2000 「現代美術百貨店」山梨県立美術館

1998 「チバ・アート・ナウ ‘97現代美術というジャンル」佐倉市立美術館

1996 「アートシーン9096」水戸芸術館

    「サントリー美術館大賞特別展 ‘96挑むかたち」サントリー美術館

1995 「戦後文化の軌跡19451995」目黒区美術館

1990 「サントリー美術館大賞展 ‘90-挑むかたち」サントリー美術館


1989 「ユーロパリア‘89ジャパン」モンス市立美術館/ベルギー

1987 「今日の造形 土と炎展」岐阜県美術館

1985 「第2回アジア美術展」福岡市美術館

1984 「現代の陶芸」山口県立美術館

1983 「カナダ巡回現代陶芸展」主催:国際交流基金


1982 「イタリア巡回現代陶芸展」ローマ・ファエンツァ/イタリア

1980 「CLAY WORK やきものから造形へ」西武大津店・西武池袋店

1977 「現代美術の鳥瞰展」京都国立近代美術館































MINKA Muse de Arte Moderno/ブエノスアイレス・アルゼンチン


シャルメ美術館 Charmey Museum / スイス






1947 Born in Kyoto

1973 Graduated from Tokyo University of Education, Faculty of Education, Department of Art

1974 Teacher at Chiba Prefectural School for the Blind (until 1998)

2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Children's Studies, Faculty of Home Economics, Japan Women's University (2006- Professor, until 2016)


Solo Exhibitions

2022 "Yohei Nishimura Exhibition" Contre Contre Saint Maurice/Switzerland

2021 "FIRED BOOKS" Gallery Kazuki/Tokyo

    2021 "FIRED BOOKS," Gallery Kazuki, Tokyo

2020 "Yohei Nishimura: Like Wild Flowers," Gallery Kazuki, Tokyo, Japan

2019 "Yohei Nishimura Exhibition," Gallery Kazuki, Tokyo

2018 "Yohei Nishimura FOUR-LEAF CLOVER IN 1938," Galerie Pus/Tokyo

   Yohei Nishimura "Caspar David Friedrich, Basho and Mt. Nijo, Those connecting my creation" GALLERY ZERO, Osaka, Japan

2017 "Yohei Nishimura Exhibition," Gallery Asuka/Tokyo

    Yohei Nishimura "BOOK OF THE DEAD" GALLERY ZERO, Osaka, Japan

2016 "The Book of the Dead: Yohei Nishimura Exhibition," EMERGENCY/Veve/Switzerland

2014 "Yohei Nishimura Exhibition" ESPACE MURAILLE/Geneva

2013 "Time and Memory: Yohei Nishimura," Cavin-Morris Gallery/New York

2012 "Listening to Sculpture, Letting Soil Speak" Aichi Prefectural Museum of Ceramic Art, Aichi, Japan

2011 "Children Yohei Nishimura met" Aichi Prefectural Museum of Ceramic Art, Aichi, Japan

2011 "TIME & MEMORY: Yohei Nishimura" Art Tower, Hong Kong

   Yohei Nishimura "TIME & MEMORY" GALLERY ZERO, Osaka, Japan

2010 "This is not a book" Urawa Art Museum, Tokyo

2009 "The Heat That Left: Yohei Nishimura," Cavin-Morris Gallery/New York

1993 "Yohei Nishimura," Keramik Galerie Bowin/Hannover, Germany

1992 "Silence by Hand," Nishimura Yohei Exhibition, Mitsubishi Jisho Artium/Fukuoka, Japan

1992 "Silence by Hand: Yohei Nishimura and Children," Fukuoka City Museum of Art, Fukuoka, Japan

1987 "Yohei Nishimura Exhibition" Isetan Shinjuku Art Gallery, Tokyo

1987 "Yohei Nishimura Exhibition" INAX Gallery/Tokyo

1980 "Yohei Nishimura Exhibition" Gallery Seiho/Tokyo





Group Exhibition

2022 "Jean Paul Blais / Yohei Nishimura Two Artists Exhibition" Great Fountain Gallery Sion/Switzerland

    Athanor," Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia

    RENCONTRE-Jean Paul Blais/Yohei Nishimura" Gallery Mutsumi, Chiba, Japan

    Art Lab 2021 Phase II: Yohei Nishimura Exhibition," Nagano Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagano, Japan

2021 "2021 Kure Municipal Museum of Art Collection Exhibition II: Ceramic Works of Kure Bi +α" Kure Municipal Museum of Art, Kure, Japan

   Touch and See," Nagano Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan

   Terre a terre" Charmey Museum/Switzerland

2018 "Touching Art Exhibition 2018 Let's start from hands" Gallery Plaza Nagano/Nagano, Japan / Organized by Nagano Prefectural Shinano Art Museum

2009 "ADVENTURE OF THE FIRE" World Ceramic Biennale/Korea "100 Years of Modern Crafts" The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

2006 One Hundred Years of Modern Crafts, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Crafts Gallery, Tokyo

2002 Ceramics: Tradition and Avant-Garde of Japanese Ceramics, Musee National de la Ceramique, France

2001 "The Art of Books" Urawa Art Museum, Tokyo

2000 "Contemporary Art Department Store" Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art

1998 "Ciba Art Now '97 Contemporary Art Genres" Sakura City Museum of Art

1996 "Art Scene 90/96" Art Tower Mito

1995 "Trajectories of Postwar Culture 1945-1995" Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo

1990 "Suntory Museum of Art Grand Prize '90: Challenging Forms" Suntory Museum of Art, Tokyo

         "The Game of Manners: Spring '90 Art Today," Art Tower Mito, Japan

1989 "Europaria '89 Japan" Municipal Art Museum of Mons, Belgium

1987 "Today's Art: Clay and Flame," The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu, Japan

1985 "The 2nd Asian Art Exhibition" Fukuoka City Museum of Art, Fukuoka, Japan

1984 "Contemporary Ceramic Art II" Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art, Yamaguchi, Japan

1983 "Touring Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition in Canada" The Japan Foundation

    Art Today: Japan and England" Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo

1982 "Italian Touring Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition" Faenza, Rome, Italy

1980 "CLAY WORK: From Pottery to Form" Seibu Otsu, Seibu Ikebukuro, Tokyo

1977 "Bird's Eye View of Contemporary Art" The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto

    The 4th Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Japan, Foreign Minister's Prize





Public Collection

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum

Kure Municipal Museum of Art

Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Paris

The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Crafts Gallery

Everson Museum of Art/New York

Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama

Victoria and Albert Museum/London

Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Aichi, Japan

The National Museum of Art, Osaka

The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga

Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art

Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery

Takamatsu City Museum of Art

The Museum of Ceramic Art, Shiga

Urawa Art Museum

Chiba City Museum of Art

Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum

Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi

Musee National de la Ceramique de France

Cornell University Art Museum

Museum of Contemporary Ceramic Art, Gifu

Ariana Museum of Art/Geneva

Museum of Ceramics Nyon / Nyon, Switzerland

MINKA Muse de Arte Moderno/Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nagano Prefectural Museum of Art / Nagano, Japan

Charmey Museum / Switzerland

Hyogo Ceramic Art Museum / Hyogo, Japan

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts / Moscow, Russia